This is a temporary landing and resource site; stay tuned for the full website launch soon!


Business Resources Purpose:

Provide a one-stop shop with resources, tangible services, and information to help local businesses accomplish necessary goals

Economic Inclusion Purpose:

Build accountability structures for NoCo Works to lead with inclusive practices within this regional effort. Furthermore, the region aligns with the desire to provide all community members with equal access and opportunity to utilize workforce and talent services, digital literacy, bilingual and monolingual Spanish upskilling, and reskilling. These include but are not limited to: under-represented and minority populations.

External Barriers Purpose:

Advocacy and policy reform to address transportation, childcare, and housing, which affect access to job opportunities and limit how people can thrive in the community.

Talent Pipeline Purpose:

Holistic strategy for attracting and retaining the future workforce, thereby increasing the labor pool and positively contributing to the local economy. The aim is to generate career pathways and sector talent pipeline models.

Training & Development Purpose:

Create regional access for businesses to provide training and development opportunities for Northern Colorado’s labor force, including both incumbent employees and job seekers. This includes upskilling and reskilling through access to certifications and credentials, as well as customized soft skills and technical skills training.

Work-based Learning Purpose:

Regional commitment to expanding internships, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, on-site career learning opportunities, and more.

To sign up and learn more about subcommittee engagement, please contact the following:

Business Resources Executive Lead:
Shannon Hein

Economic Inclusion Executive Lead:
Lisa Taylor

External Barriers Executive Lead:
Lyle SmithGraybeal

Talent Pipeline Executive Lead:
Becky Langlois

Training & Development Executive Lead:
Mark Johnston

Work-based Learning Executive Lead:
Michelle Smith 

For all general inquiries,
please email